
Showing posts from June, 2019


MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #9 Good Afternoon and Welcome Back to the Blog! It has been quite a bit since I have posted to the blog, and for that I am sorry! I know I mentioned in my Instagram story that I have been personally going through some stuff, I would love to talk about that with all of you, before I get into the blog. Now, something everyone may not know about me is that I internalize A LOT of my feelings. This is something I have always done and have never really been able to teach myself how not to do. I am very good at hiding how I am actually feeling with a smile or a laugh, which I often do. I usually disguise how I am actually feeling because I don't like to let others know how I truly feel. I like to pride myself in being a fun, outgoing, loving person, but sometimes that just isn't who I am. I struggle a lot with going through ups and downs in my emotions, which everyone does I imagine. Sometimes things are great, and sometimes I don't want to leav...


MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #8 Hello all and Welcome back to the Blog!! ☺ Today we are discussing something I love, self-discovery! I think that learning about yourself, who you are, how you act, why you are the way you are, what you like and dislike, etc. is such a helpful and useful tool. Knowing these things about yourself can help you evaluate your life, your reactions, your decision making, and so much more! Discovering yourself and learning more about what makes you you helps you grow further in life, in relationships, and in your career.  • I am constantly searching for new ways to discover myself and learn why I am the human being I am. It makes me more in tune with my mind, body and spirit and has better helped me understand my emotions and how I handle issues in my life. I reflect on the things I know about me and learn how to better the things I don’t like and accentuate the things I do like.  • So how do I discover myself?? I am so thankful for t...


MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #7 Hello & Welcome Back to the Blog!!  I know I promised to be keeping up with the blog and trying to write more, but hey, sometimes life gets in the way! I am an extremely busy person and I feel like I never have time to sit down, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I am good at balancing things I do everyday but I'm trying to figure out how to balance all of that and add the blog into my daily tasks, which is HARD! But don't worry, I'm still here writing, even if no one reads it!  Okay, so I asked all of you in an Instagram poll what you would like to hear me talk about tonight... and the winner was... *drum roll please*.....  THE TYPE OF PEOPLE I AM ATTRACTED TO/LIKE TO BE AROUND!!  I am honestly surprised because I didn't think you guys would want to hear about this! But none the less, I am glad to talk about it and share my views!  *Side note: I will be addressing each of the other options in order of which...


MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #6 Good Afternoon Readers and Welcome Back to the Blog!  Today we are discussing MY ROAD TO LIVING A FAITHFUL LIFE. I think one of the largest changes I have made in the past 3 years has been my pursuit of faith and my relationship with God . I was baptized Catholic and attended church with my grandparents when I was young, but I had never received my other sacraments of Holy Communion and Conformation because my father wanted my brother and I to be able to choose where we wanted to belong. He encouraged a pursuit to religion but never forced one specific one upon us. So, up until the age of 19, I only attended Catholic church when I was with my grandparents and never really had a true understanding of religion or of God himself. In this time, I questioned faith. I began to seek answers and an understanding of faith. I questioned why could God let bad things happen to good people, how could we be in such a world of turmoil and hatred if that was...