MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #9 Good Afternoon and Welcome Back to the Blog! It has been quite a bit since I have posted to the blog, and for that I am sorry! I know I mentioned in my Instagram story that I have been personally going through some stuff, I would love to talk about that with all of you, before I get into the blog. Now, something everyone may not know about me is that I internalize A LOT of my feelings. This is something I have always done and have never really been able to teach myself how not to do. I am very good at hiding how I am actually feeling with a smile or a laugh, which I often do. I usually disguise how I am actually feeling because I don't like to let others know how I truly feel. I like to pride myself in being a fun, outgoing, loving person, but sometimes that just isn't who I am. I struggle a lot with going through ups and downs in my emotions, which everyone does I imagine. Sometimes things are great, and sometimes I don't want to leav...