Hello & Welcome Back to the Blog!! I know I promised to be keeping up with the blog and trying to write more, but hey, sometimes life gets in the way! I am an extremely busy person and I feel like I never have time to sit down, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I am good at balancing things I do everyday but I'm trying to figure out how to balance all of that and add the blog into my daily tasks, which is HARD! But don't worry, I'm still here writing, even if no one reads it! 

Okay, so I asked all of you in an Instagram poll what you would like to hear me talk about tonight... and the winner was... *drum roll please*..... 
I am honestly surprised because I didn't think you guys would want to hear about this! But none the less, I am glad to talk about it and share my views! 
*Side note: I will be addressing each of the other options in order of which they were voted for, so next blog will be about 5 good & 5 bad things that have happened to me this year, and then people who inspire me/have changed my life and last but not least, my favorite places I've ever been! 
I am so excited to talk about all of them! Can't wait for you all to read them soon!
Now, on to the blog!

Okay so, today I'm discussing the type of people I am attracted to and the type of people I like to be around (as in be friends with). I take a very different approach in deciding who I like to associate myself with, whether it be in a relationship, friendship, or anything else. 

I am attracted/drawn in to people based on their personalities. Yes, this sounds so cliche, but I promise you this is what I actually like and look for! I have always been interested in people who could make me laugh the second I meet them. I love to laugh and love to joke around, I am not a very serious person. So when someone can make me laugh within the first few minutes of me meeting them, I am automatically drawn in. I also look for people who are outgoing. The reason I do this is because I am not a super outgoing person, so at times I can be awkward when I meet/hang out with people. People who are outgoing, talkative and fun right off of the bat make me feel more comfortable and not as shy, which is something I really appreciate! I also appreciate people who want to genuinely get to know me, people who are good listeners. I love to talk about my life and I love to learn about other people's, it helps me know them better and find more things to like about them, so I love when someone feels the same way. Just asking simple questions about someone shows you are intuitive and want to pursue them, which is a great feeling. I am attracted to people who have ambition and dreams. As I've said before, I am a dreamer so I like someone who can appreciate that ambition and drive in me and match it. I also look for someone who is genuinely nice. In today's generation, I feel that many guys are not treating women the way they should be treated. Men should be gentlemen at all times and it's sad for me to say that I honestly haven't met many guys who are. Guys, I'm going to be totally honest right now: STOP treating girls like garbage and start treating them like gold. STOP treating them like a piece of meat, just to move on to the next one and start cherishing the woman you are with because you might not ever get another one like her. STOP looking for/going after girls that you think are "hot" or "bad" and start going after girls for who they are, their personalities, their interests, their ambitions, their dreams. STOP sending the "I'm here" text and start going to doors and knocking on them. STOP sitting on your phones on dates and start getting to know the person, look into their eyes not at your phone. STOP forgetting simple manners and start opening doors for women, protecting women, and respecting women. 
I'm sorry for the little rant, but I'm an old soul and I am attracted to vintage ideals and not these modern times. I feel like we live in an age of hook-ups, social media ideals, "bros before hoes", and complete independence. Don't get me wrong, women are culprits too, I am one of them! I struggle with the modern idea of complete independence and of "not needing a man" to live my life, which I surely don't need someone, but I would love to enjoy my life with someone else because that is a beautiful thing. 
Okay, now you see I haven't mentioned one physical characteristic that I look for yet. I truly don't look at people's physical qualities really. Yes, of course there are things I am attracted to but I don't value that over the vibe someone is giving me. So what are these things you ask? First, I am attracted to a great smile. It is the first thing I notice about people I meet and I am drawn into people who have warm, welcoming smiles. I appreciate guys who care about their appearance and dress nice, not all of the time, but a guy with good style always gets me. I like guys who are fit, not like a meathead, but care about their appearance and like to workout because I like to workout. I also appreciate guys who are tall, or at least taller than me. And that's about it! I honestly am just attracted to who someone really is. I am very intellectual and just love to learn all about people! 

Now I kind of described people I am attracted to/like to be around all in one because honestly no matter who someone is, whether it be a boyfriend, friend, family member, colleague, etc., I like to associate myself with these types of people: kind, outgoing, funny, ambitious and overall good people. I am going to also discuss right now anything that I may have missed. 

 I also like to surround myself with faithful people. Like I described in my last post, I grew tremendously in my faith over the past few years, and it is so amazing to have friends who support you and love you through faith and Christ. I like people who have common interests as me, whether it be education wise, activity wise, or whatever else it may be. 
 I appreciate people who don't like drama! Girls (and guys too!) can be filled with drama, and seeking attention and that is just something I don't like to be around. I have a care free attitude and would rather focus on things of importance to me than to stress about drama! 
I like supportive people and caring people. I am an emotional person at times and always have something to talk about or vent about so I like people I can open up to, feel comfortable around and really be supported by no matter what. I like people who are unbiased and don't judge others; people who love others no matter who they are.

So, I think that pretty much sums it up! Thats about all I can think of right now as to what I look for in others when choosing to be apart of their lives and to make them a part of mine. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know a bit more about me and if you have any questions, please let me know! I am looking forward to posting the next few blogs in the future days approaching and I hope you are too! Have a wonderful night everyone! 
Sincerely, McKinnley ☺


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