Hello all and Welcome back to the Blog!! ☺ Today we are discussing something I love, self-discovery! I think that learning about yourself, who you are, how you act, why you are the way you are, what you like and dislike, etc. is such a helpful and useful tool. Knowing these things about yourself can help you evaluate your life, your reactions, your decision making, and so much more! Discovering yourself and learning more about what makes you you helps you grow further in life, in relationships, and in your career. 
I am constantly searching for new ways to discover myself and learn why I am the human being I am. It makes me more in tune with my mind, body and spirit and has better helped me understand my emotions and how I handle issues in my life. I reflect on the things I know about me and learn how to better the things I don’t like and accentuate the things I do like. 
So how do I discover myself?? I am so thankful for these useful tools I have come across over the last few years, that help me know more about me! Some have been recommended to me and other I have found on my own. I LOVE myself a good quiz, so if you’re like me you will really enjoy these self-assessment quizzes I have provided. The first is to figure out your Enneagram. This is my ABSOLUTE favorite tool. You will get asked a series of questions and you answer as to how those situations make you feel or how you react and at the end you are given a type that is numbered and explanation of that type. I love these because I think mine totally fits me and has actually helped me learn something I never knew about myself, that I base my whole life on the need of feeling worthy. This is something I have now been trying to assess and work on and I’m so thankful I am.
 The next one is the 5 love languages test, which some of you may have heard of. It assess how different relationship situations make you feel and gives you what your strongest love languages are that you respond best to and look for to feel loved. This was also a huge discovery for me because I am by NO means the relationship expert and could use a lottt if help in this area, so knowing what I need to feel loved had really helped me assess my relationship past and future. 
The next 3 are quizzes through the website called VisualDNA. I like these because they have you base your reaction to situations on pictures, which makes the quiz easier and less time consuming. I think these also gave me a nice insight into who I am as a person and what my core values are. The first one gives you insight into who you are as a person and what aspects of your personality make you into that person. The next one assess what type of career you would be good in or what part of you personality makes you successful. The last one gives you insight into what your overall personality trait is and gives you a nice quotes to go along with it.
Take the Quizzes Here: https://www.visualdna.com/quizzes/
 The last quiz that I absolutely LOVE is the dating personality quiz provided by Delight Ministries. Delight ministries is a women’s ministry focused on bringing women closer together through faith and God. If you are in college, your campus may have a chapter of Delight there that you can participate in. I love this quiz because as I mentioned about, I need all the dating help I can get! Lol. I have a lot of dating faults and it helps me so much to understand what type of dater I am and helps me focus on weakness I may have and how I can fix them. Think of of this quiz as kind of like the Enneagram for dating and relationships. It will help you identity your approach to dating and help you to gain a better understanding of how you can let the Lord lead your future love story. It is a wonderful quiz and I totally recommend it to women and men too! It will provide you with an adjective of what type of dater you are the hard truth of what that means relationship wise. The quiz is part of their “Prepare for your Future Love Story” campaign and has a workbook that you may purchase if you would like to work in these weakness of your love life. 
10 out of 10 recommend all of these lovely quizzes to discover who you are in every aspect of your life. 
The last tools I want to recommend are apps that I highly recommend for self discovery as well! The first is called Remente. I love this app because it asks you each night to reflect on your day and each morning to make a plan for the day to come. I’m a planner so I love this aspect of it and I also love to reflect on how I felt today and what I did because sometimes I forget along the way. It also gives you resources and goal plans to help you in areas of your life you are struggling in. The last picture is an app called Question Diary. This app gives you a self-reflection question each night that you can answer for a whole year and then re-asks you the same questions after 1 year to see how your answers change or stay the same. I usually write out my answers on paper just because I’m a paper and pen person but it is nice to have the ability to type out my answers Incase I’m too lazy to get paper and a pencil. 
I hope you all enjoy the resources I have provided and start to learn much more about yourselves and what makes you you! I will post my results to each quiz, such as my enneagram type, my love languages and my personality quizzes answers in my Instagram story, with a little reflection on each one! Please, if you take the quizzes, comment your results below!! Or send me a message!! I want to know more about you so let me know what makes you you! So again be sure to comment your types, languages and personalities below!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to message me or write them below! Thank you all! Have a wonderful, self-discovering Hump Day!! 🐪😊
Sincerely, McKinnley 🝮


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