Hello & Welcome to my blog! I am beyond excited to start this blog and share my thoughts, ideas, advice, tips, tricks and so many more other things with all of you! I have certainly been contemplating starting this blog for a very, very long time; but now, after finishing my didactic year of PA school and finally having some time to myself, I'm certain that this is the right time to do it! 
For starters: I am going to start things off with a little "get to know me", but I'm going to try to do it in a different way than I normally would. This year I went on a service trip during my spring break week and during that week we participated in an activity that I found very challenging: Learning how to introduce yourself to others WITHOUT stating your career/field of study as the first thing about yourself; other than your name of course. I for one, found this pretty difficult due to the fact that I normally use my field of study to describe myself to others, rather than stating facts about me. I am DEFINITELY more than my career choice, so why am I letting that define me? So, I am going to challenge myself right now with all of you and share more about myself than just my job. My name is McKinnley! (if you didn't know me already) I am currently residing in North Eastern PA, so you can pretty much find me wearing a raincoat and rain boots everyday of my life. I am an avid hiker, so when I'm not studying or catching up on work, you can definitely find me at the top of mountain or the base of a waterfall. Another "hobby" of mine is definitely shopping. If there is a good deal happening, I'm there! I mean, who doesn't need a little retail therapy every once and awhile. ;) Other things I enjoy on my free time are reading, working out, and having amazing times with my good friends! An extremely important part of my life apart from family, friends, and school is my faith. I recently grew tremendously in my faith around a year and half ago and I am so incredibly thankful that I did. Stay tuned to hear all about my faith journey and all of the amazing blessings I have received in my walk with God. I found some cool questions that I would like to answer as well, that I think will help you all get to know me a little bit better: 
1. Which "Friends" character do you relate to the most and why?  -  I would say I relate the most to Chandler and Ross because I have a sarcastic sense of humor like Chandler but I'm also a bit geeky and awkward like Ross!
2. What did you want to be when you were a kid?  -  When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a Vet and then as I got a little older it changed into wanting to be a nurse and then around my junior/senior year of high school I decided on going to PA school, and I am SOO happy I did! :) I definitely have a TON more dreams and aspirations career wise that I would also like to accomplish, so stay tuned! ;)
3. What is your guilty pleasure?  -  Well, I definitely have a ton of guilty pleasures, but I would say my top 2 are reality TV/game shows and sweets! I love tons of reality TV shows, especially the Kardashians (for a sure a HUGE guilty pleasure) and I can NEVER turn down a good cookie/brownie/ice cream run or any type of chocolate. 
4. What is your favorite scent?  -  I LOVE the smell of laundry detergent. Absolute favorite. I have to smell each one in the grocery store before I buy one. I also love the smell of bleach and chlorine. (I know, super weird) I just love anything that is SUPER clean smelling. 
5. What is your zodiac sign and do you think you fit it?  -  My birthday is May 22nd (so coming up soon!) so that makes me a Gemini by about a day. I totally think I relate to the Gemini character traits because I am constantly moving/doing new things. I don't like to settle down. I get bored easily. I definitely have 2 sides to me depending upon my mood. And I love spontaneous, outgoing, and fun people and also people who challenge me mentally and teach me new, exciting things! 
Okay, now onto my career!  I am currently in a Physician Assistant program and soon-to-be starting my clinical year this upcoming week. I also aspire to share so much of my career knowledge with you all, such as a look into the different medical field careers, and lots of other tips/tricks and tid-bits of info I have picked up! 
So, enough about me! Let's take a look into my blog! 
Welcome to Magnificently McKinnley: a personal/lifestyle blog chock full of many aspects of my life that I wish to share with all of you! In this blog, I aspire to celebrate life, love, faith, education and SO much more! As I said above, I can't wait to share all of my knowledge, tips, tricks, advice, experiences, thoughts and ideas with you all! I have never written a blog before, so this is definitely a first for me! I chose to write this blog for many different reasons. I have used writing as an outlet for many, many years. When I have anything on my mind, I usually scribble it into pages of a notebook to express my feelings, ideas, thoughts, or any other aspect of life I'm facing. So instead of having a million notebooks full of notes to myself, I thought I would start this blog to share them all with people who could maybe benefit from them, relate to them, debate them, enjoy them, and connect with them. I hope that you all get so much out of the blogs I write and that in some little way, they can help you! 
I decided to make this blog a personal/lifestyle blog because I have SO much that I want to share with all of you! Ranging from stories of my life experiences and journey through faith, to ways to save money shopping and hair/makeup tips and tricks. I'm hoping this blog will allow me to share ME with all of YOU! I can't wait to relate and connect to you all through my stories, devotionals, and fun, creative ideas! I have so many wonderful ideas for this blog, so I hope you all subscribe, read, comment, share and enjoy
Looking forward to sharing so many great things with y'all! Happy Reading!
~ Sincerely, McKinnley


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