Hello my lovely friends and Welcome back to my blog! ☺ I am so excited to write to you all again and I hope that you all are having a wonderful week and are ready to read! Today, we are discussing my dreams, my goals, my ambitions, my bucket lists, or whatever you else you want to call it! I am so excited to share this because it was something that was requested by you guys
I don't a set list of all the things I want to accomplish in this lifetime because honestly there are far to many! I have so many dreams I want to achieve, and I hope, God willing, that I will have enough time on this earth to achieve them all. I don't really write down these goals, which I probably should, I just kind of think of them and remember them. 
So this is going to be more of a list blog today, because I don't know how else to format them, but I will go into a little detail about each on why I want to do these things. They are kind of all over the place so bear with me! Like I said, I have lots I want to accomplish! 
1. Start a Blog!! - Which I did!! And I am so excited I did! I love to share my experiences, values, and stories with people. If you know me, I'm ALWAYS trying to give people advice, even on things I haven't experienced yet! I love to be a helping hand to anyone who needs it!
2. Write a Book(or 2 or 3) - I've always had a knack for writing. I definitely got it from my dad. I love to express myself through written words and throw my heart down onto a piece of paper. I've always wanted to write a book, ever since I was little. Some OG friends might remember me trying to write a few back in middle school! Lol! But this is something I hope to accomplish in the near future. I want to share my life with people, because I feel like I have an interesting one, and I love to give insight into how things in my life came to be and why I am the way I am. I also love fiction novels, so I would love to write a few in the future! Hopefully you all will buy my books someday!
3. Get my father's poetry published - My dad was one of the most amazing writers I have ever seen. His talent for poetry was beyond anything I could ever describe or achieve. I have so many scribbles and books of poetry of his and it is my dream to one day publish his work in memory of him and be able to share his incredible talent with the world. 
4. Travel the World - Now, I know EVERYONE says this, but when I say it, I mean it. I want to see everything this world has to offer before I die and I hope to God I get to. I have lists on lists of places I want to go but here are just a few on the list: New Zealand, Turkey, Costa Rica, Bali, Italy, Rome, Jerusalem, Tokyo, Switzerland, Iceland, Egypt, Denmark, and Venezuela. I could name places for hours, so I'll just stop here. 
5. Buy an old farm house and fix it up - This has ALWAYS been a dream of mine! I've always wanted to own a huge plot of land, with four-wheelers, some animals, and a couple crops. I know NOTHING about farming but I will figure it out! I want a pale yellow house, with white shutters, a red door, and a huge wrap around porch! I love the farm feel and I hope I can accomplish this. 
6. Buy a historic/vintage building and fix it up to its original glory - I love anything vintage and historic and I would love to return things to their original glory in this modern world. I have always dreamed of fixing up the old drive in movie theater in the town I live and bring it back to the original 1950's feel. 
7. Own a lake house/mountain house - I've always wanted a house on the lake in the mountains. I don't think I can get that all in one so maybe I've got 2 more houses coming my way. I love the tranquility of the lake and mountains. They are my happy places. 
8. Re-learn Spanish and maybe another language - I regret not continuing with Spanish once I knew it and never learning another language on top of it. I want to be able to communicate with people I meet traveling and I hope it's not too late to learn!
9. Skydive/Bungee Jump - I love adrenaline rushes but I am afraid of heights so this will be a daunting task. I might need someone to push me off the ledge but I will do these things one day! 
10. Do a mission trip a year or more - I LOVE SERVICE and helping people. It is, I feel, one of my life's purposes. I love seeing new people and sharing love with them and learning from them. I love to see people the way the Lord sees them and offer my kindness, love and service to them with help from the Lord. This is something I know I will do every year and will always have a deep passion for.
11. Open my own mission or one with friends - As I mentioned above, I feel a life calling of mine is service. I feel most me when I am in the service of others. I have always wanted to open a mission and I know a lot of friends of mine feel the same way. Maybe we can band together and open a mission rooted in the beauty of women who share a love for Christ. Hopefully my friends reading this will agree as well! ;) 
11 & 1/2. And now that I think of it, I'm starting to get some more ideas! I've always wanted to open my own mental health clinic or hospital. I am very passionate about mental health and I wish there was better health care out there for people with mental heath issues. Coming from the stand point of being in a family with people who have mental health issues, I have always wished there were better options out there for families in regards to counseling and help, because it takes a toll on the families as well. Now thinking about things, maybe I will open my mission for families of persons with mental health issues and provide a safe home to stay in, food to eat, a welcoming and loving environment rooted in faith, great counseling options and help with their loved one, in regards to their healthcare. You heard it hear first folks! Big things are coming. 
12. Run a half marathon and maybe a whole one - I ave a love/hate relationship with running but I have always wanted to achieve big races like these. I hope one day I can train and be able to do multiple ones a year! 
13. Adopt/Foster children - This one is a bit far out, but I have always felt like I have had a natural calling to adopt a child. I don't have baby fever like most women and I don't really have a true desire to have children of my own, but I know in my heart that I am meant to adopt. I want to give a child all the love and attention he/she deserves and isn't being given. I also have considered fostering in the future but it might be too heart wrenching for me to have to give children back into situations I don't necessarily agree with. 
14. Graduate PA school and Pass my Boards! - this is an obvious one but it is still a dream until it happens.
15. Own LOTS of pets - I just love animals so I thought I'd add this too!(: 
Well that is all I can think of for now. I hope you all enjoyed and learned a bit more about me! I love to share my ambitions with you all! Remember: Life is too short to wait for perfect timing, because perfect timing doesn't exist. So go out and do what you wish, dream and desire because we never know how much time we have left on this Earth!
Sincerely,  McKinnley ☀


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