
what it's like to lose a parent at a young age...

MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #13 Before I begin this blog, I just want to state that this was one of the hardest pieces of work that I have ever written. I have been tossing and turning and writing and deleting and contemplating each day whether or not I should, or more or less if I even could, write a work such as this. I am the type of person that falls short of being able to express feelings and emotions in a way in which I wish I could. For those of you close to me, you know one of the terms I use to describe how I express emotion is "push it down deep and keep moving". This has been the way I have always faced emotion in my life, by pushing that feeling deep down into my body, feeling it for only a very few moments, and then picking myself back up and moving on with life.  Now you are probably thinking to yourself, "well, that doesn't seem very healthy..." and you're right, it doesn't. But that is how I have taught myself to deal with ...


MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #12 Hello & Welcome back to the blog! I haven’t written a full blog post in a while so I thought now would be a good time to get back to it! As you all know, or maybe you don’t, I am currently in a Physician Assistant Master’s Program, in my last year on my clinical rotations. I get a lot of questions about the PA profession and PA school so I thought I would write a blog addressing some of them. Today, I am going to talk my road to PA school . Now the first part of the blog is about my journey individually, but if you are thinking about applying to a PA program or are interested in the profession, please read the full blog because I will be touching on that at the end. I will also be writing later blogs to address things such as the PA profession compared to other professions, and why I chose PA, and tips and tricks to PA school such as undergraduate/applying/graduate and rotation advice, so look out for these upcoming blogs! (And let me know if ...