MAGNIFICENTLY MCKINNLEY: Blog #12 Hello & Welcome back to the blog! I haven’t written a full blog post in a while so I thought now would be a good time to get back to it! As you all know, or maybe you don’t, I am currently in a Physician Assistant Master’s Program, in my last year on my clinical rotations. I get a lot of questions about the PA profession and PA school so I thought I would write a blog addressing some of them. Today, I am going to talk my road to PA school . Now the first part of the blog is about my journey individually, but if you are thinking about applying to a PA program or are interested in the profession, please read the full blog because I will be touching on that at the end. I will also be writing later blogs to address things such as the PA profession compared to other professions, and why I chose PA, and tips and tricks to PA school such as undergraduate/applying/graduate and rotation advice, so look out for these upcoming blogs! (And let me know if ...